Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Difficulty: Nightmare Mode

Difficulty: Nightmare Mode

So this is going to be tough for me to do.  I don't have any real direction to follow and I kinda like it like that.  I know there are resources on the internet that does extraordinary work on giving people like me a light to walk to, which I also like too.  But then I had a thought; if these guys know what it takes to make a game, why haven't they made it big yet? Its like going to a football camp to learn about the sport from 2nd and 3rd string high school player in their mid 30's and 40's. So I decided to just do me, thus why this blog is called Nightmare Mode: Making something from nothing.  Now with any hardcore difficulty like a nuzlock run, there are rules. These rules are put in place to make the results that much sweeter and more inspirational for others who come after me. And besides, what's the fun in safety? That's why rubbers suck! So the rules are as follows:

NO OUTSIDE MONEY- During the time I was considering on opening a studio, I came across various books that referenced loans, angel investors, and publishers who could fund our projects. Fuck all that noise cause all they want is equity in our company.  The reason I decided to start my own studio/business is because I didn't want someone else making money off my mind. It just didn't make sense for me to get paid a couple tens of thousands for the company to make millions. And if I gather employees, we're all taking the same cut of the pie. Every resource I gather will be out of my own pocket.  Bonus points: As of this post, I dont have a job that pays. I intern :)  This includes being funded by publishers. Yes I know big games have big budgets, but fuck it. Its nightmare mode!

NO 'SAFE' GAMES-  A safe game is a 'hello world'-esque  game where there is blocks on a screen and it does stuff to say we built something. Fuck all that noise too!  If I or we decide to do a game, it will be as big as it needs to be. A game can be small as a block on screen as long as the gameplay is good, so don't get the wrong idea that I'm one of those AAA elitist types.  I love 2d games more than anything else. I just don't want to build bs games.

NO LICENSED SOFTWARE-  I. LOVE. TO CODE! If we can build it on our own, we don't need to buy it.  This does not include scripting languages, compilers, or art resource software. Im not building that stuff. That's just dumb and your dumb to think I would ;)  I can hear the game vets bitching about this rule because yes, if its out there, just use it. There is no real reason to re-invent the wheel. I hate that kind of thinking with a homicidal anger.  If anyone knows me on a personal level (which I hope you guys get to do through my blog), I refute all levels of 'sheep' thinking. Well I call it sheep thinking cause you refuse to question the norm. But yeah no licensed software.

That's basically it!  Now a lot of people will look at this and just say that I'm heading to ruin in no time. That's kinda the fun of it. I don't want to sit behind cover and wait for opportunities to pop up for an easy head shot. I was always the guy with the shotty running into a crowd of enemies online cause to wait doesn't get your kills. No one expects to got w/e:0 in a game, thats just stupid.  So let's see how these elements add up later on.

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