Monday, March 19, 2012

The name of the game is to succeed

So first and foremost, welcome to my blog.  I feel like not a lot of people on the internet actually thank the rest of the internet for running into their little plot of space, so yeah lets get that out of the way.  But anywho, I am sitting here, blogging(seriously) for the first time so i can get my ideas across and lay out my steps in life for possibly the most DIFFICULT thing I can think of doing in my young life!  But before I get into this, let me tell you a little about myself in the best way possible, numbered.
  1.  I am Kenneth Seward, a 25 year old 2x college dropout that thinks and talks too much. I love over thinking omg I get off on that! I've been told that ill take a penny worth of a thought, and flip it to 10$ of information.  This pisses people off majority of the time, or actually stimulate some thought. but this leads to point #2.
  2. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!  I'm the most opinionated, judgmental, and reckless individual in the world as far as I know. I'm not talking anti-social reckless, that's just dumb and evil, but I will tend to ask for forgiveness rather than permission type of reckless. I like doing me because that's my prerogative, and all that we ever will be.  
  3. I'm dedicated to doing what is right for everyone. You can call it my sense of duty, but that would be more of a label and a restriction than what my actions define.  I seek for status quo ante, but that's for another time
  4. I'm an autodidact.  The joke is that only an autodidact know what that means, but I'm not that kind of asshole to say it.  Everything that intruiges me at that point and time, I learn it. I want to make a movie, I'll pick up techniques in video editing.  The human body is a wonderland, so I'll research that bitch. So yeah, I like to learn and that goes hand and hand with my brooding mind. 
  5. I.LOVE. THE VIDEO JUEGOS!(that's video games in Buenos ;) )  I like the sense of imagination that they bring, and love what they developed into. I'm not talking the vapid, war-porn,brown and bloom shooter b.s that's being created nowadays for a profit. No, I'm talking about the novel-esque, wacky, crazy and artistic (and sometimes autistic) pieces of work that can stir people minds.  They really are doing the job of books now.  I mean, why read about Watergate, when people can play it? How about telling the story of the dark ages from the point of view of a rat?  No, that's a terrible idea, but I'm trying to make a point here!
So that being said about me, what does all of these things add up to? Simply enough, I want to create a studio to rattle the industry to its core.  Big in prestige, but not in size.  I want to get rid of these ideas that these big studios with 200+ staff and these blockbuster budget are the only ones to produce AAA quality games.  That's nothing big or new by any stretch of imagination cause their are a slew of small studios with this in mind.   But from a position of no real industry experience or a project to prove my (and my team's) mettle to the world, it going to be a hike like crazy.  But I really want to make a studio that people know makes good games. Straight up Pavlov's dog level good.  You see we're making the game, people lose their shit!  But this is the beginning of our journey to this social position.  So here I go........